Korean Traditional Music
Korean Traditional Music, It's never easy to define. First, the words of itself: Korea, tradition, music, are not easily describable. Korea, like all other countries, we can point out its territory by geographical boundary by international law. But, culture is not as sharp as a knife. The boundary lies broader than we think. So, when we say Korean culture, the result will be somewhat different from that we had thought about Korea itself. Tradition is hard to define as well. Some habbits or cultures had been handed down so far and made a meaningful level of heritage? That is a bit worth to be the tradition. In a day or two, or a short period of time? we are not able to call it a tradition. However, in other hands, a traditional heritage that has a loner history is not always considered "more important" or "more traditional." Some of items that we treat great is not always the longest one. Music is not simply describable. Have you seen the news wh...